
Twynette McCormick 

“There is comfort; there is love"


“I’ll have you state your name and your age, as long as you’re comfortable with that”

          “Twynette McCormick, 46”

“Alright and then, to get this kind of started, I’d like to know where you are from?”

          “I am from here, Albion”

“And then, how long have you been a citizen?”

         “My whole life” 

“To kind of keep going with it and really understand who you are a little bit more, what are you involved with within the community? This can be jobs, volunteering, even just family organizations”

          “So, I have been working with the school system with kids for over 20 years. I did the Recreation Department working with youth and with Mr. Bonner programs. Other than that, yeah, that’s a lot” 

“It is a lot. So, what’s your job currently?”

         “I am assistant teacher for the head start program”

“So you’d say you are working a lot with the youth and pretty involved with students?”

         “Yes, yes”

“So I know we kind of chose the location together, but why did we choose this location?”

          “We chose this location because this is what I do. I work with kids, no better place than a school setting” 

“So, kind of expanding more into what Albion is and how it connects to you a bit. What is Albion to you? Are there specific people, locations, feelings; anything that kind of like resonates with you about Albion”

          “Albion to me is family, this is where my family is, that’s why I stayed here”

“So kind of going with that. Would you say Albion is your home?”

          “It is. It is my home”

“And why?”

          “I believe is home because this is where my family is, and it’s diverse”

“Okay. And to expand even a bit more, they all kind of repeat themselves. What does Albion mean to you besides just family?”

          “That’s a good question”

“Like are there feelings with family, is there comfort with it?”

          “There is comfort; there is love. The diversity, it's not just one set of people, like there’s a combination. The Festival of the Forks is a prime thing that brings people in, and it’s people that leave too that back to town”

“So then kind of, you have this love, this passion for Albion in a way. You are really involved with the kids. Kind of reflect a different version, in what ways do you think Albion could improve?” 

          “Still with kids. I do believe that more opportunities for the kids of things to do, there is not a lot for the youth. Especially when they get a little older, and they start to find themselves getting into trouble because there is nothing for them to do. And then we get things that they don’t truly know how to appreciate, so they tend to let’s say tear things apart because they’re not used to it. So, I guess if we had more things for them to do then it probably would get better”

“And then the last thing, pretty simple, and I have a feeling I know what word you are going to choose, but I’ll have you describe Albion in one word, but can you state it as Albion is blank” 

          “Okay. Albion is diverse” 

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