
Haley Synder 

 "Albion is a very special and unique place, and I think it's the people that make it that way. We are very close knit"


“I’ll have state your name and age”

         “Haley Snyder, 31 years old”

“And where are you from?”

         “I am born and raised in Albion. I’m an Albion native. I’m proud to be an Albion native”

“So, how long have you been a citizen of Albion?”

         “I would say my entire life. There was a short period that I moved to East Lansing when pursuing my undergrad at MSU,  but I have lived here for the remainder of that time. So, 31 years”

“And what are you involved with within the community?”

         “So, I am involved with well, professional, I am currently the Albion City Manager. So, I oversee the daily operations of our city. I am also involved with a lot of outside organizations and groups. I participate in Rotary as well as Philanthropic Women, and YMCA recreation programs. As well as spending time with friends and family in the community”

“So, why did you choose this location?”

         “This is very special to me at this time in my life. As I said I am currently the Albion City Manager, and I feel that being an Albion native, it is such an honor to be able to serve my community in the role as city manager. So right now, this is, this is a very special place for me” 

“So, what is Albion to you? Like specific people, locations, feelings, just anything that really makes it”

         “Yeah so Albion is a very special and unique place, and I think it's the people that make it that way. We are very close knit. I know growing up myself and my friends, we all moved away and went to college in different communities, and when we would gather back we would say there’s nothing like the people in Albion. You just don’t find people like that. And I think that speaks volumes, they are willing to help you in any way they can. So I think it’s really the people here that make our community so special”

“So would you consider Albion to be your home and why?”

         “Absolutely. Like I said I was born and raised here. Albion holds a very special piece of my heart, and so yes this is definitely my home”

“So, what does Albion mean to you?”

         “Oh what does Albion mean to me? It means a lot. Just going back to being born and raised here. I think it set me up to be the person that I am. Like I said the people here, there are so many great mentors I have had a long the course of my life. I can think back to just so many great people who have helped me through elementary, middle school, high school to set me into the place I am today. So it’s very special means a whole lot to me” 

“So, we talk really loving and nice about Albion because we both do. But in what ways do you think Albion could improve?”

         “I think there’s a lot of areas we can improve on. I know a lot has been done. I hope to see, growing up I always heard about Albion back in the day. It was a very thriving community, and I think we are getting to that point. So, I think we could definitely improve on getting more businesses here, more events for our children, our seniors, and just residents to take advantage of. So, I think just building back up to what Albion used to be but something different and something even better. So, I would like to get back to what grew up hearing about. And I think we’re definitely on the right path to be something like that”

“So, final question. I’d like you to describe Albion using one word saying Albion is blank”

         “I think I already said it. Albion is unique. I’ve been a part of, not been a part of, but been to several different communities, but there is something special about Albion. And you just feel it when you live here and you’re here in our community. So, Albion is just very unique” 

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