
Kay Knight

“I think Albion is a wonderful small town. And in small towns, people help"

“ I’ll have you start off by stating your name and your age”

          “I’m Kay Knight, and I’m 65 years old”

“Alright, and then where are you from?”

         “Originally from Detroit”

“How long have you been a citizen of Albion?”

         “Oh boy, I moved here in 1983”

“So, to kind of give some background information of who you are, what have you been involved with within the community recently all the way back to when you first got here? Whatever you would like to talk about”

         “I’m involved currently in Albion Area Philanthropic Women. I sit on the Board of the Friends of the Albion District Library. I’m Executive Committee Member in NAACP Albion Chapter, and let’s see, I’m also a member of Delta Kappa Gamma teaching society international new chapter”

“So what brought you to Albion from Detroit?”

         “Well I wasn’t planning on living in a small town but I met my husband at Starr Commonwealth where I was doing an internship and he was working there and he says oh I’m not going any place, I’m invested and this is where I live. So, this is where we stayed” 

“So, to kind of start talking about Albion a little bit more, why did you choose Lloyd Park?”

          “I just love the parks in Albion. We have so many, and the town is so pretty and my favorite thing to do in my leisure time is to walk, and I walk around the city”

“So, then what is Albion to you? Is it people, locations, feelings, whatever culminates it”

          “I think Albion is a wonderful small town. And in small towns, people help. We have so many opportunities to give in this town”

“So would you consider Albion to be your home and why?”

          “Of course. Here almost 40 years, lived in the same home, raised our children here and we have such a connection with the community through children. My husband and I were both teachers and he was a coach, so there is always children in our lives”

“So what does Albion mean to you?”

“It means the opportunity to give back. We have many nonprofits in town. And you can of course always give money, but you can also give your time. Some people don’t like to do meetings, but they’ll give money. Some people don’t have a lot of money, so they’ll physically go out and do something. So, I think that’s why I really enjoy Citizens to Beautify Albion. Because I love going outside, and I go outside and weed. And, you know, people think why would you want to do that. But it beautifies the city and we have a great time when we go out gardening with friends”

“So, to kind of flip the script of all these nice, loving feelings towards Albion. How do you think Albion could improve?”

          “I think Albion is having a great resurgence, and we have a lot of small business and small manufacturing coming into town, but I think the Downtown Development Authority could promote Albion globally, not just throughout the state or throughout the country, but I think we could have businesses from other nations come in here and see what Albion has to offer them”

“So then the last question I have for you is to describe Albion in one word, but I would like you to use the statement Albion is blank” 

          “Albion is welcoming” 

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