
Tatiana Bridges 

“Albion is home. Home you can come back to. It’ll always be home. You’ll always feel loved”


“Whenever you’re ready, state your name and age”

          “My name is Tatiana Bridges. I am 20”

“So where are you from?”

          “I am from Albion”

“How long have you been a citizen of Albion?”

          “All of my life”

“What are you involved with within the community”?”

          “I work at Stirling Books. I went to school here, and I live here”

“Why did you choose this location? Why did you choose Stirling to be interviewed at?”

          “Cause I like it here, it’s calm. It’s peaceful. It’s downtown with everything”

“So, I’m going to ask a few questions about Albion itself. And I want your honest opinion and however you feel to answer. The first one is, what is Albion to you? Is it specific people you think of, locations, feelings. What really makes it?”

          “Albion is home. Home you can come back to. It’ll always be home. You’ll always feel loved”

“So this kind of rolls into the next question, would you consider Albion to be your home and why?”

          “Absolutely, cause they’ll welcome me back with open arms”

“And what does Albion mean to you?”

          “I don’t know”

“Does it mean like family, connections, like what makes it a home for you?”

          “The people, family”

“So, to kind of flip it a little bit, I’m going to ask you a little bit of a different question about Albion. And that is, in what ways do you think Albion could improve?”

          “We need more business, more things to do for the kids, more hangout spots”

“So, the last thing I have for you is, can you describe Albion in one word using the statement Albion is blank”

          “Albion is home” 

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