
#OurAlbion is a photography project that highlights some of the key assets in our community, our women. The work that the women of Albion do can go completely unnoticed, yet they are the backbone of our community. Whether being a prior school teacher educating the children of Albion, or program directors creating opportunities for engagement; the women of Albion keep the city running. 

The interview process sought to establish each woman’s credibility and hear their voice in community decisions. To establish my own credibility for being the interviewer, I was also interviewed. As you will read, countless of these women have been here for decades if not they're entire lives, including myself. It can be seen how these women are citizens with a story and voice that needs to be heard. Every woman interviewed was asked about their opinions of certain aspects about Albion including improvements. 

Through this project I learned stories of love and passion that the women of Albion hold for this city, as well as the endless roles and involvements these women have. Although I can not highlight every key woman in our community, here is at least a start. 

So please help me not only celebrate the women of Albion, but also the wonderful community that we are all so desperately committed to loving and growing. #OurAlbion #Here'stoAlbion

-Cassidy Porter, #OurAlbion Artist & Interviewer

A special thank you to every woman that I was honored with interviewing. You are an important aspect to our community. Thank you for loving and caring about Albion as much as I do. 

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